What Makes Solar Stack Essential For Any Solar Panel Installation Company
Our one-of-a-kind mounting system has completely changed the market when it comes to solar panel installation. As more and more South Floridians transition to solar-powered homes, Solar Stack becomes that much more vital to the whole process. It truly simplifies how we can go about installing each panel without causing you headaches along the way like traditional installation methods. Before getting solar panels installed, it’s vital to know what makes Solar Stack the premium option for installing your panels on customers’ homes over standard methods.
Zero Holes, Zero Worries
One of the biggest turnoffs for most homeowners from transitioning to solar panels is the installation process that comes with it. Despite the significant benefits that come with saving on your energy bill, losing your roof’s warranty just isn’t worth it. Typically, roofs have to be drilled into for the solar panel railing system to stay in place. This can leave hundreds of holes in the roof, which would void the warranty right then and there. With Solar Stack, that worry is a thing of the past. The Solar Stack mounting system makes the solar panel installation process as simple as possible. By applying the foam adhesive to the roof and mounting system, your solar panel is ready to be installed.
Half The Time Of Any Project
Depending on the size of the job, solar panel installation usually takes anywhere from 3-6 days. Each day spent on one job is a day lost on another. With Solar Stack’s mounting system, that entire process is halved! Thanks to its simple deployment, you remove the entire need to drill and set up the rail system. That gives your teams the ability to get in & out of each job and double the amount of work you’re able to take on. We know how important time is to you and your customers, which is why we’re proud to stick by its rapid installation time.
Meeting and Exceeding The Strictest Wind Codes
Solar Stack’s mounts were designed to survive even the toughest of storms. Our panel mounts are approved to be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) of Florida, defined as “This area consists of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties”. When installed, our mounts have been tested to withstand winds upwards of 180mph and beyond. We want to ensure your customer’s peace of mind when Hurricane season rolls through.
Installing solar panels has never been so simple thanks to Solar Stack’s mounting system. Before your next job date comes up, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Solar Stack to learn more. Just contact us online or give us a call at 877-757-7822 to get started today!