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Solar Stack Certified Installer Spotlight: Solcium Solar

Solar Stack Certified Installer Spotlight: Solcium Solar

Solcium Solar recently underwent the credentialing process to become a certified installer for Solar Stack. Solcium Solar is excited to add our system to their growing lineup of offerings to better serve their customers.

Solcium Solar was able to shave considerable time off of the installation timeframe and get the customer running green in record time by using Solar Stack. Solcium Solar plans on using the same installation method for a few of their upcoming commercial projects due to the durability and benefits of Solar Stack’s quick installation process.

Solcium Solar is the 20th certified Solar Stack installer in the State of Florida.

Learn more about this Solar Stack certified Installer: https://solciumsolar.com/blog/stacking-on-value-for-solar-customers-with-solar-stack/


Solar Stack Certified Installer

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